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The Capital Gallery's Icon Hall of Fame
In October 2022, The Capital Gallery instigated its Icon Hall of Fame to recognize five North Dakota artists for their longevity as artists, the quality of their work, their contributions to the success of The Capital Gallery, and their far-reaching impact on the world of art.
Our Icon Hall of Fame artists are:
Vern Erickson, Bismarck
Walter Piehl, Minot
Kaye Burian, Manning
Butch Thunder Hawk, Bismarck
Todd Clausnitzer, Bismarck
Jim Christianson, Chairman of the Capital Gallery, described the significance of the gallery's Icon Hall of Fame. “We hold in high regard the people who have helped make The Capital Gallery one of the Upper Midwest’s most notable fine art galleries. We created the Icon Hall of Fame to honor and celebrate them and their work. Their success is our success, and the broader community benefits from what they create."